Sunday, August 07, 2005

Who's the real enemy?

Brutality and insurgeny has plagued this era. Advocating the atrocities faced by their community, some bodies have terrorized the whole world. So who is to be blamed for the catastrophe? Is it the fundamentalists who are deluded and misguided in the name of religion? Or the master minds who organize and aid the felony? Should it be the people who allegedly invaded the boundaries for avid reasons? I think it is the artificial discrimination and differences prevalent between us through an intangible concept called RELIGION. Race, cast and religion has been fragmenting and isolating neighborhoods. These notions have been cultivated for ages and are so ingrained into each of us that it serves as our indentity. Fights for holy grounds, communal riots, more than half the battles fought! And the cause is as trivial as intolerance to each others way of life.
So what is religion? Manifestations of certain beliefs? Following different sons of GOD? It is perplexing that three religions Islam, Christianity and Judaism (Jewism), all believe in Abraham (Ibrahim) as the one who carries the word of GOD. Still conflicts and animosity prevail between them. Why don't we just follow one religion?Rather why do we even follow a religion? Why do we have to discriminate between races? Why can't everyone be equal and have the same view of GOD? GOD is too big to fit into one religion. Be it Jesus, Ishamel or Issac as the apostle, the crux is that they all pass the same divine message.


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